How the personality of parents influences their children’s education

How the personality of parents influences their children’s education

What happens today in people’s lives is not just the result of a vision focused on the present and the future. The fact is that the past also has a determining role in what happens, in such a way that there is a great influence of childhood in adulthood.

Depending on the set of experiences, learnings and elements to which a child is exposed jogger stroller for two, he can become an adult with better skills and behaviors. Understanding both traumas and joys counts and are brought into growth, helping to build character and personality.

As you carry what happened before, it is natural that all these issues have an influence on the way someone behaves. Therefore, realizing the impact of the past is even a way of recognizing the origins of certain patterns.

To better understand the topic, see how this interference occurs and understand what behaviors can be affected.

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How the past influences the present

What has passed has a greater impact these days than you think. Even if you try to extricate yourself from the previous moments, it is very likely that he will exert great strength on who you are and how you act.

Because of the functioning of the human brain and social issues, the former is hardly left behind naturally. Thus, the influence occurs within the following main spheres:

Intervene in decision-making

Not every decision that you think is right is made based only on an analysis of the current situation. Often, the influence of the past falls on the process, leading to a different path.

A child who has had good relationships, for example, is likely to make better decisions as an adult if it involves the act of relating. This is because it is easier to repeat patterns that work or are used to.

In addition, the past has the great power to create habits, even if consolidated in an unreasonable way. Someone who does everything in the same way is likely to make similar decisions over time.

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Helps to consolidate the experience

In part, the decision-making process has to do with consolidating the experience. The point is simple: depending on what happened in the past, an individual can use these factors to try to determine what will happen in the future.

A simple example concerns learning from mistakes. If someone takes an action and realizes that it creates mistakes and difficulties, they will probably prevent it from happening again.

With the consolidation of experience, therefore, a person can create a “repertoire” to be consulted to increase the chances of success.

Modifies the feeling and perception about elements

Another aspect of the past is that it can change the way someone perceives or feels about a certain element.

Traumatic experiences can cause fear in the face of certain scenarios and elements. Likewise, they can contribute to generating some type of phobia.

On the other hand, positive, aggrandizing and motivating experiences contribute to increase engagement with a certain element. A teenager who gets involved in an interesting topic, for example, is likely to look for ways to have more of that topic in life over time.

That is, the past can dictate what you like and what you don’t, determining how various elements are viewed.

The fabulous fate of your child’s brain!

Nowadays, adolescence begins around twelve years old and lasts another ten years. I specify, “nowadays” because 150 years ago it was limited to three, four years because the girls already had children around 18, 19 years old … So in anticipation of these ten promising years in all kinds of twists and turns I see in my workshops either from the panicked eyes of parents apprehending adolescence when their children are still small or parents of teenagers who wait for the storm to pass without being too watered …

But contrary to popular belief, adolescence is not a period of immaturity or of an explosion of hormones that can leave the parent stunned by the hairs on the paws of their sons or the lipstick collections of their daughters. ….no no no ! The myths of adolescence are now fading behind all the latest research in neuroscience! Houraaaa!

For years, the books of Doctor Daniel Siegel have been enthroned on my bedside table… He has just published a brilliant book on the adolescent brain and is known worldwide for all his research work on the brain of the adolescent. child through neuroscience. To understand his work simply and in a few words, his pretty metaphor is as follows.

The brain from children up to adolescence gradually builds up billions of neural connections. It’s like a beautiful garden that grows little by little. In adolescence, this garden is a little messy because roses or weeds have grown here and there, fruits have fallen from the trees without being picked up because they are unwanted … In order to transform this garden into an extraordinary garden towards twelve years old, the child’s brain sets up a pruning system. This pruning is necessary and fundamental for the teenager who needs to remodel his brain with what seems to him essential to keep for a better functioning efficiency and also to achieve a certain well-being. It will therefore be built so that its garden “corresponds” to it, drop unnecessary connections and “sync” the remaining ones. Seen from this angle, what a job! This vision of things would almost make our teenagers touching!

Lesson number 1 for the parent: Since this step is essential for this future adult to reach a certain level of well-being, avoid making the child feel that this period is difficult, by making fun of it, by telling him that it is ” the dumb age ”, by systematically entering into power struggles or by disengaging as this would be the best way according to Dr. Siegel to reduce the child’s ability to build healthy brains. For lesson number 2… I will come back in a future letter to all the assets of adolescence that would almost make us as adults want to keep the strength and momentum of the adolescent brain!